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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The coolness of Ecto Cooler

Let's face it. We're all old now. But what we wouldn't give to have just one more box of Ecto Cooler.

This item was a must back in the day. We all sat about 3 inches from the TV even though grown ups told us it was bad for our eyes, and watched The Real Ghostbusters while drinking our Ecto Cooler.

This awesome product was on shelves until about 1997, which yes, was 15 years ago. In 15 years, our begging, pleading, screaming, and crying still haven't convinced Hi-C to put this back out. There are other forms of it under a different name, like Orange Lavaburst, but how can you mentally convinve yourself that you're drinking Ecto Cooler without being able to look down at the box and see Slimer?

If Hi-C would take 30 seconds and learn that this stuff is STILL in high demand, they could capitalize on the profits from Ghostbusters fans, nerds, and man children everywhere.


  1. I am pretty surrounding would empty my savings on thisif it were ever released again.

  2. oh I totally would. It's like beer for children. Liquid crack!
