The only game I had, for years and years was what came with the Nintendo. Super Mario Bros / Duckhunt. The games were so insanely expensive, even by 1990's standards, that if you wanted something else to play, you either rented it, or had a buddy that was an over privileged little bastard, and you played his.
You don't immediately realize it when you're a kid, but eventually Ninetendo was outdated. What? Outdated? No effin way.
Sitting in the living room one night watching TV, here comes an ad for Super Nintendo.
Damn it.
No more being one of the cool kids. Now all of your friends would be playing Super Mario World, and you're still stuck trying to get past world 8.3 in the original.
I wouldn't get a SNES until I was 12, and even then, when I wanted Super Mario World, it came with a lame ass Mortal Kombat ripoff called Killer Instinct.
Below I leave you with a handful of old Nintendo ads, to take you back to a time where you saw the ad's and knew you were only cool enough to play Mario.
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